I’m Peaking As We Speak !!!

Good friends of ours opened a float therapy business called Peak Performance Float Inc.  Here is their website.  The address is 311 Lennon Lane Ste #A in Walnut Creek, CA 94596.  You can call them at 925-899-87761.

For a sci fi guy living in the future, I don’t get out much.  I’d never heard of floating… but it is the in thing, kids!  It’s also relaxing.  You get into this crazy space pod by yourself, the water is warm and incredibly buoyant, the lights go out, it’s just you and the universe in near-total sensory deprivation.  Suspended gravity!  Silence!  Healing!

Diana and I both tried it.  Thumbs up.

Thriller writer Jeff Carlson © 2024. All Rights Reserved.